Jenn, and I will be giving away a collab add-on set to our VBS, Vacation Bible School, kit. Woohoo. I am so excited... but wait that is not all!...
So, Jenn, the owner of L-S, and I put our heads together and we want to offer you something very special!
I have a kit ready for the grabbing just for participating in our Christian focused site at L-S,
What you get: Lemonade Stand Freebie Kit (Yes! the whole kit)
IF you complete a simple request.
We would like to welcome you to the Life-Scrappers forum and by participating in the Power Posting Challenge. You will recieve some cool lemonade quick page freebies and the chance to get the whole kit for FREE ! Come and check out the power posting challenge :D
As little as 25 posts in the L-S forum for the month of July and you get a cute quick page gift to complete the quick page set.
This week the freebie is Lemonade Stand's quick page #4 to help celebrate the beginning of this new challenge.

Download quick page #4 HERE
Otherwise- Lemonade Stand will be available for sale at Life-Scrappers and Scrappity-Doo-Dah. Coming this month!
And for all of my new readers, loyal blog readers and stalkers mrhahahaha. I would like to thank you with a special readers coupon good for $2 OFF a qualifying purchase at my store at *
* qualifying order must be for $3.98 or more.
* qualifying order must be for $3.98 or more.
Coupon Code is: 2OFFBLOGCJ
Just enter this code into the coupon field in your shopping cart at SDD.
Coupon expires ^8-1-09 now... HOW Great is That????
Coupon expires ^8-1-09 now... HOW Great is That????