I don't know about you but I just love the colors of Autumn and the beautiful azure blue skies this time of year. This was my inspiration for the colors of this month's blog swoop. The weather is changing and what a great way to enjoy it with a freebie? Some of our talented designers and some CT have joined forces to bring you "Autumn Skies" our latest BLOG SWOOP. So don't just stop here hop on over to our next blog and see what that designer has for you.
As always ENJOY!!
Some designers and hosts are in different time zones, so if you don't see it on your stop just make sure to stop by again.
As always ENJOY!!
Some designers and hosts are in different time zones, so if you don't see it on your stop just make sure to stop by again.
Also join us for our special $1 TWEETS sale!!!

Blog roll:
Scrappity-doo-dah Designers:
SDD blog ~ http://www.scrappity-doo-dah.com/blog/
Crystal's Creations ~ http://crystalcreationsbydesign.blogspot.com <<<You are Here
Digilicious Designs ~ http://digilicious.typepad.com/digi_licious_designs/
Danospookie Designs ~ http://danospookie.blogspot.com/
Mandy King ~ http://mybagofscraps.com/
Gab's Art ~ http://www.scraplantis.com/gabs-blog/
Kris Myers ~ http://nwfotobug.blogspot.com/
Danimoy ~ http://daniscrap.blogspot.com/
Digi Overdose ~ http://digioverdose.com/blog
Rubylane ~ http://rubylanedigifancies.blogspot.com
CT, Mods and Friends of SDD Participants:
Kathryn ~ SDD blog ~ http://www.scrappity-doo-dah.com/blog/
Blondy ~ Crystal's Blog - http://crystalcreationsbydesign.blogspot.com <<< You are HERE
2girlsandadog ~ Christine's blog http://digilicious.typepad.com/digi_licious_designs/
Elaine Therese ~ http://elainetherese.blogspot.com/
Mom2triplets04 ~ http://creativetripletmom.blogspot.com/
Here are Susan's aka Blondy's lovely and amazing Quick Pages for you...
Don't forgot to check out our Scrappity-doo-dah $1 TWEETS sale!