- I have a great recipe
- My new bracket quick page album for Beth at Gotta Pixel.
Love Biscotti? I surely do. Yum! Before I found digi scrapping I used to be in the kitchen all the time making goodies and taking them in to work. This is a recipe that I tried along the way and it is a keeper! Bake it three times to get it nice and crisp It is so totally worth it! Just like the store bought versions. The recipe is on a 4x6 size so you can glue the two pages together for the complete directions. These are really great to attractively wrap for christmas or for cookie exchanges.

Credits: Rachels kits at Digital candy.ca
denim hearts- I heart you
heart/love doodles- Over the border
white paper- 'Crazy spunky Love' collab with Rachel and Sara Ellis at Gottapixel
red paper- My Lil lump
Satin wraps I
alpha- CT appreciation designers collab kit Grateful 4 you
Lay outs with photo of cookies at ...Digital Candy
Look Ma! no hands! The easy things in life... All you need to do with quick albums is open software like photoshop or scrapbookmax and then open another layer and open your photo and place it in the pre cut out hole in the layout design. save it and WOWzers, how easy is that? Journalling and wording text may be added at this time. You can print it out and cut it to shape it fits the cardboard bracket albums found in the craft and scrapbooking stores. This is a bracket album I made up for Beth and Rachel for the kit What a Rush. I saw this surfing theme shower curtain a couple months ago and thought of thier bright and bold designs immediately. They had not worked together before that and I suggested a surf theme with those colors. I am happy to announce this fun summery and beach surf collaboration kit WHAT A RUSH at gottapixel
oooooo ThunderBOOMers and Jageddy lights have to go.... trying to get the freebie in here.