If anyone has heard of The Taming of the Shrew" or use the noun Shrew as a means of describing someone mean or uncooperative then let me tell you. These little critters are MEAN! and they bite and they come out in daylight and are not really that afraid of people. I get them in the fall sometimes as well. I am standing my ground this time and want those holes patched up by maintenance. I am so sick of them.

They say that they will even chew off thier own feet to escape those glue traps. UG!
Well, here I was on Friday night and the buses have stopped running and my car was out of commision (again). and I was sitting having a bowl of chicken chili and cornbread with my heighbor friend Dawn and out peeks this critter from around the corner. OMG!
What to do! OMG! Dawn, I say, "Dawn, lift your feet up!" hmmm that was met with a "What?" But once I explained the situation she shrieked and had her feet up under her. LOL!
We went for a nice long walk out in the spring air, listening to the birds chirp and the melting snow waters trickling to the gutters. Smelt so fresh and new. Ahh bliss. At that point I just needed to get out of the house for a little bit.
Well I called my brother and he came over with a few of those old fashioned mouse traps for my to set. I had never done that before, I always have used the live traps to be kind and set them free but I am fed up with the nasty little things!
At two am one of the traps went SNAP! and I thought phew! got him. So I was wrapping things up to get to bed and SNAP! again...caught a second one and that is why I ended up staying up most of the night...
I could not sleep so I made my DSO color challenge for you with Kim B's wonderful scrumptious colors inspired by the lovely spring air and weather. Please feel free to use this kit for your color challenge layouts or to mix and match with the other kits as well!!! :D

Download 4 shared funshine1 HERE:
funshine2 HERE
And catch my BIG sale at Life-Scrappers.com 30% OFF right NOW. :)
Ugh!! I am not fond of such creatures, either. I'm sure they play their role in the ecosystem, but I'd rather they stay away from me.
Thanks for your cute kit! :)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Kit(s) post on Mar. 08, 2009. Thanks again.
great kit, thanks!
EEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! I just saw something run across the screen......LMAO Ohhh I hate those critters!!!!
Just stoppin by to see how things are going, not to well I see!!!!! LOL
Your CC goodies are rockin'!!!
Gonna snag them!!! THanks!
Have a good week and I hope things start lookin up for ya!
Great kit! I see you used it to spiff up your blog for spring, too! Love that kite!
And I was taught to make my kits at 300 dpi, too. So ignore Anonymous above. This is GREAT!
Ooooo love this kit, fab clusters and love the mosaic frame, thank you so much. Hope you manage to get rid of the furry critters
Hi Crystal, LOL !!!
My goodness how I've giggled at your wee vistors. My son's girlfriend had a similar experience a few weeks ago and wouldn't go near her kitchen. They were building across the way from them and hence the wee mousies were travelling, or packing, in her words. LOL Seriously it was one !
Love the new kit and the colours are just so much fun. Thnak sfor brightening my day in more than one way.
Love and angel blessings frae Scotland xxx
Yuk, hope those nasty guys are finally gone and don't come back. They really sound mean if they would bite off their own feet. Thanks for the color challenge kit, love the have sunshine. The kit is great.
This is very cute. I love your desktop too. Thanks.
Thanks for your kit and the story that goes with it. Too funny!!! As long as it is there and I am here. lol
BWAHAHAHA- eventually getting here girl- but OMG, those things have had this family in stitches too- My mom used to play HOCKEY with em- hahahaha
they used to come and steal the parrots food- she would wait on the one side and my dad used to scare it out the cage- she used to wack them with the hockey stick! lol
Thanks for the giggle this morning and for this AWESOME KIT!!! WOW WOW WOW.
LOVE it and the blog looks awesome with it too!
Thanks for the fun kit--i love the kite.
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