Well I am over the virus bug that I caught right before Labor day and of course my Dear Son caught it and has been out of school all week running a fever and being weak. Ugg, just enough to feel like a wet noodle and not motivated to do anything but bored enough to feel like you are never going to see the healthy times again lol. At least it isn't the N1H1 'piggy' flu going around. As the humidity has dropped up here and it is getting colder the viruses are really going rampant. I talked to a local nurse today and she said that she has never seen so many different viruses going around so early in the season. Yes, going to the flu shot clinic next week. Definately.
Now for the fun stuff!
Scrappity-doo-dah is doing the 'Birds of a Feather' coordinating color palette again this month yippee! I have three packs for you at a super price of only $1! yes $1.