Well my computer is on the blink and not behaving right now so I don't have a freebie yet for you. I have been away since friday and just got home and I tell you... I am tired. Here is why... My son Mike is in soccer and the team went to districts last week and won so we are now at the Summer State Tournament. I have been driving for hours every day and here we go...
Fri. > set off for the Twin Cities for game one, tied 1-1 (4 pts) drove home late.
Sat. > up at 4 am and set off back up and had game two at 9am won 7-0 total (14 points)
>11am set off for another 4 hour drive to central Minn., Willmar, MN. My friend there has an awesome lake home. 6 PM I was out on the lake and tubing behind the speed boat. woohoo! Mike had a blast. stayed up late around the campfire.
Sun. > caught fish and had fresh catch for lunch yum. drove 3 hrs south to Sleepy Eye, MN dragged out the air mattress yet again. Friend there took pity on us and let us spend the night. Drove by the Laura Ingalls historial thingy. Too bad I was so tired and the camera was packed.
Mon. Both cells are dead and out of range of our phone co. and won't charge for some reason. hmmmm maybe it was Mike's going through the washer. hee hee. drove 3 hrs home and had 25min before catching the game bus back up to the National Sports Center in Blaine. Tied the undefeated not scored on team 1-1 phew! We are now sitting neck to neck where there is a possibility for any of us and the top 3 teams to continue to the campionship on Friday.
So it is still game on and anybody's game. Final game on Wed. for Mike. what a tension packed game tonight.Well, I thought I would be up tonight but I am wiped and that glass of vino did it's magic, so nite luvs!
Stop in for scrapbooking inspiration, layouts, designs and helpful hints. Listing hidden freebies from scrap challenges around the world and also my freebies and recipes.
Welcome. Glad that you made it!
Join me in my digital scrapbooking adventure and a recipe from time to time.
My Dear teenage son has found a world geography game for you, it is at the very bottom of this blog. He would be so pickled happy if you played along and left him a comment in the 'c-box'.
Link to my quick pages, recipe cards, and freebies available.
Also... feel free to visit my CT blog for additional freebies and news from my Creative Team the "Scrapping Gems".
My Dear teenage son has found a world geography game for you, it is at the very bottom of this blog. He would be so pickled happy if you played along and left him a comment in the 'c-box'.
Link to my quick pages, recipe cards, and freebies available.
Also... feel free to visit my CT blog for additional freebies and news from my Creative Team the "Scrapping Gems".
Monday, July 28, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
I am on the Sweet Tart Team! Woot!

DC Sweet Tart Team Freebie
My son has district tournament soccer play tonight so wish his team luck. I really have loved the summer games this year as I have been home all summer and have finally unwound. But boy, do I need to get a job!
And I have some news for you! Well, I applied to the freebie element team, the Sweet Tart Team over at Digital Candy.ca and made the team.
You have to see the amazing kit that the team produced this July, Watermelon in Summer. This is available to Digital Candy members only. So if the link does not work you may have to be registered at the site first :)
And while you are there check out the challenges in the forum. Digidare, August Desktop, Template freebies and so on...many of which offer freebies to complete the challenge to start will and for completion of the challenges you get points toward a gift certificate in the Digital Candy store.
How Great is That!

Register at Digital Candy
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
25,000 hits Thank You!
Thank You! Well we made it to the 25,000 mark this week and in response and as a thank you for visiting my blog I am releasing the crocheted daisy kit Frosted Daisy for your personal use. 
Please leave a little love

Please leave a little love
NO hot linking
Frosted Daisy Freebie Link
Frosted Daisy Freebie Link
Saturday, July 12, 2008
7-12 recipe and challenge hunter

Need to fill your recipe box with printed recipies? Do you need a new recipe? Check out these recipe exchanges this month.
Side dishes


This lovely bright summery kit is available on completeing 3 LO's challenges at CLD and that does not even show you the papers. Last month there were even quick pages too! How Great is THAT!!!

colorlinedesign woo hoo!
My Frosted Daisy freebie
25,000 visitors special coming soon
I have several kits up here on the blog now and it is my heart's desire to see some of my goodies in some LO's so I have a challenge for you this weekend. I will soon have 25,000 posts and I will e-mail this kit to anyone that makes a LO with some of my goodies. I have been designing some new things and have a special goodie for those who care to complete this challenge. Available this weekend only and on my 25,000 visitor count

We made it to 25,000 visitors today 7-16 Wednesday 2008 WOOT!

Monday, July 7, 2008
7-7 A Few Quick pages made from the DSo July color Challenge
Well, another night out at the soccer fields. It has been summer weather. A muggy morning with and afternoon shower and then it cooled off quiet a bit. Compared to the heat it almost felt chilly. The sky was really strange though. I never saw much for the lightning but the thunder was almost a continuous thing grumbling on and no with hardly any breaks at all. I had to step outside to check the sky several times it was so different. LOL
And another freebie... I had to go into my kit to play and see what I could make with it and now I have these quick pages for you.

And another freebie... I had to go into my kit to play and see what I could make with it and now I have these quick pages for you.

Sunday, July 6, 2008
cucumber recipe by Crystal Jozlin featured on TV
I have a volume control on the music at the bottom on the playlist player. You may also choose a different song or turn it off as well. :D
My salad recipe was featured in the Easy Eats Food Segment on TV Wed., 7-02-08. Coolness!
I have something for you for the DSO color challenge...
Rachel has a CU Buffet sale at digitalcandy.ca

that's 27 kits less than $1 a piece!!!
How great is that?
Other new kits are... 

Thursday, July 3, 2008
7-3 CU freebie, My Recipe featured on TV WOOT!
Well what a day! I opened up my e-mail to quite a surprise...
:D I week ago I sent in an original recipe to a local TV station. They use viewer recipies on Wednesdays for the cooking segment.
My recipe was chosen to be on today. WOOT!
I love to combine my digital scrapbooking and my love of food so I sent a scrapped recipe card in and my salad was made on TV this afternoon. Woo Hoo!
They made it a funny story as I forgot about a pot luck picnic one time and threw this together from what I had in the fridge and the pantry and by accident came up with this pasta salad. It has a bunch of cucumbers in it and a refreshing taste so I named it Refreshing Salad. It is funny because of the circumstances! ROFL
And I won a $50 gift certificate to a home delivery grocery store too and free delivery.
The salad has ingredients in it that are available here in the States. I wish that everyone could try it.
ohhh it is up on a video link too...http://twincitieslive.com/article/stories/S498326.shtml?cat=10930
I don't know how long these links will be up ;)

:D I week ago I sent in an original recipe to a local TV station. They use viewer recipies on Wednesdays for the cooking segment.
My recipe was chosen to be on today. WOOT!
I love to combine my digital scrapbooking and my love of food so I sent a scrapped recipe card in and my salad was made on TV this afternoon. Woo Hoo!
They made it a funny story as I forgot about a pot luck picnic one time and threw this together from what I had in the fridge and the pantry and by accident came up with this pasta salad. It has a bunch of cucumbers in it and a refreshing taste so I named it Refreshing Salad. It is funny because of the circumstances! ROFL
And I won a $50 gift certificate to a home delivery grocery store too and free delivery.
The salad has ingredients in it that are available here in the States. I wish that everyone could try it.
ohhh it is up on a video link too...http://twincitieslive.com/article/stories/S498326.shtml?cat=10930
I don't know how long these links will be up ;)

click on above recipe for larger image
Scrap recipe card above made using Tallulla Moon Designs freebie kit
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