Back in September I was told that they wanted to remodel my apartment since I have been here 9+ years. The other apartments around me are getting renewed and it is my turn to get 'caught up'.
When they came around for federal housing inspections a couple of weeks ago they had to condem my neighbors furnace and due to the furnace not working properly a pipe had cracked due to the cold. Mold and mildew had set into the walls and cabinets where our kitchens connect.
YUK! This is a photo of the cabinets that they removed and they had to remove the walls as well. Boy, did my place STINK! of mold when they cut out those walls next door. I was overdue for new cabinets. These were even the newer ones! I have old dark walnut caninets from the late 70's still and are warped from dripping sink water damage as well.
Since the walls were wet in between my walls they will have to come down also. So I get the remodel started. finally.
They want to do a ton of work through Dec. carpeting and painting, new linoleum, etc. So I am struggling with what I can do for Christmas decor. Oh my! It will be nice to get it done as most of my belonging were moved out to my garage unit some months ago. They have had so many move outs that they have not been able to get to it until now.
I did manage to move our bedroom belongings around to switch rooms so I went through our belongings and storage upstairs at least but there is so much work to do as they can carpet one room at a time I will have to empty one room up there at a time so remove, and re-move. LOL. I'll take pics and share the process.
Anyway, that is why I have been quiet.
How do you paint in winter and keep a low heat bill??? YIKES! smelly... P.U.!!!
They told me that they have ordered my cabinets and will give me a two day notice of when they will come in. so I am waiting to get word so I can pack up the rest of my kitchen and dining belongings. Sigh. So much work. I know it will be worth it but MAN! I am overwhelmed.
But I did do a bit of design work and wait until you see the December kit from Digital Candies' Sweet Tart Team!!! hmmm, nope, I can't tell you, it's under wraps until we unveil it at the first part of December. hee hee hee.